by Irinia Medvedva, Tatyana Shishova

‘Nash sovremennik’ 11, 2001 (source:

Translation, notes, and afterword by Edvin Buday

Note by The Saker: normally such a translation would belong into the “Speeches, Statements, Interviews” section, however, since the translator, Edvin Buday, also offered an important and interesting afterword, this I have decided to post this text in the “guest analyses” section even though the original Russian text was (obviously) not written for the Saker Blog (the translation was, of course).  I also have to confess that I did want to give this text a somewhat bigger visibility due to the importance of the topic and the quality of the translation.

Recently, the words ‘globalism’ and ‘globalisation’ sound more and more often from the most varied platforms. It will not be long that children will be using these terms without breaking a sweat. According to our observations, however, almost no one exactly knows the realities that lie behind these “bacterial words”, as the famous political scientist S. G. Kara-Murza [1] characterised a similar, deliberately vague ‘modern’ lexicon. We, of course, do not claim to know the entire picture, but we will try to at the very least sketch it out in general terms.

Once can say endlessly that globalisation is the creation of a “single economic and informational space”, an “open society”, a “world market”, but all of these terms are but euphemisms, a smokescreen. Actually, globalisation is about the creation of a world government with a single administration and a single army, common financial structures, laws, and a common culture. This project began to develop as far back as the 60’s and 70’s when international organisations like the UN began to acquire more and more authority and power and, on the other hand, the sovereignty, currencies, and traditional way of life of nations began to purposefully weaken. But while the Soviet Union existed, the essence of the globalist ‘project’ remained camouflaged. With the destruction of the USSR, America (its main carrier) had no one left to be scared of.

All under one law

It is unlikely that many of us recognised the extended meaning of that principle of the priority of international law over national legislation that was declared in the Russian constitution of 1993. And those who studied this document are in general likely to expound a similar priority in accordance with the old conviction that is an attribute of many of our human rights activists: something along the lines of “the foreigners will help us”. However, after the bombing runs against Serbia and the absolutely ineffectual attempts to turn to the International Criminal Court, our romantic illusions about the ‘foreigners’ diminished in strength. In the meantime, we have, however, not yet encountered any realistic images to replace these illusions.

The reality is that (according to our new Constitution) when Russian laws contradict international ones, the latter will have priority.

We will have a think now: national laws, what do they express? In general, they express national interests, national concepts of the good and bad, the admissible and inadmissible. And our international laws always the guardians of the national interests of one state or the other?

Of course not, seeing as different states have different concepts of good and bad. We will note, that America has not accepted the International Convention on the Rights of the Child to this very day. And do you know why? Because the U.S. would then have to annul the death penalty for young offenders that is codified in the legislature of some states. We, on the other hand, having declared the priority of international laws, are forced not to apply the death penalty even in the case of adult sadists who have committed dozens of savage murders.

Or, for example, a report about the “Position of Lesbians and Gays in the Member States of the Council of Europe” was heard in the EU Council Parliamentary Assembly in June 2000. And recommendations about the legalisation of “partner relations” (i.e. marriages) of homosexuals and the liberation of persons who had been imprisoned for seducing youths from fourteen years of age and older reached the Russian Duma. The Duma loyally lowered the threshold of culpability for the corruption of minors; now, the corruptor is only held accountable only in the case that his victim is under fourteen years of age. And if he or she is fourteen years or older, the perpetrator cannot be tried.

The following proposal was also suggested: “To undertake positive measures for the battle against manifestations of homophobia (a negative opinion of homosexuals. – AN.), especially in schools, medicine, the Armed Forces, and the police”. The selection of “positive measures” is clear: here we have the corresponding “sexual enlightenment”, the removal of homosexuality from the ranks of sexual pathology, and the criminalisation of the actions of those who dare to criticise pederasty. And if the globalist arrangement of the priority of international law is preserved, these “positive measures” will reach the level of school clubs for the support of sexual minorities. Just like in America, where membership of such school organisations is called social work and gives large advantages when applying to the most prestigious universities.

You ask: “but what about sovereignty and national independence? How are international organisations going to be teaching us how to live?”

But this is what it’s about, when during the construction of the world government national sovereignty consequently weakens and true power transfers to multinational corporations (MNCs) and international or supranational organisations. And look at how the interference of these globalist structures in the internal affairs of for the time being judicially independent states takes place. How bitterly the disobedient are punished, how government borders between the obedient are washed away. How national currencies are weakened: we all personally felt what they did to the ruble. And the fate of many other currencies is little better.

Common money for the new world

But the most important currency in the world to which all the others are bound, the dollar, is not as stable as the man in the street would like to believe. And in general, the circulation of hard, greenish ‘bucks’ in the US itself is diminishing more and more: paper money has already fundamentally been replaced by ‘plastic’. And now this financial revolution has also hit us.

“The Russian Central Bank is examining the possibility of releasing a new plastic card, an “electronic wallet”,” the director of the Department for Payment Systems and Accounts of the Russian Central Bank Natalya Kochetkova recently declared (“Metro”, 17 April 2000). It is true that the project she describes only accounts for the removal of small change from the Russian monetary circulation. But there also exist far more radical plans.

At the beginning of 2000, reports of a so-called “Muscovite Card” seeped into the press. It turns out that as far back as 15 December 1998, the Moscow City Government passed decree no. 962 “On the Creation of a System of Cashless Payments for Goods and Services through the Use of the “Muscovite Card”.” 202 million dollars were set aside for preliminary testing, and up until 2005 expenses ranging from one and a half to two billion dollars on these targets are projected.

Here we must really ask the question about who it was that showed so much favour to our Moscow government? After all, lamentations about the lack of money for basic necessities has become chronic in the last few years. And this does not look like a matter of paramount important. So who is this Maecenas?

As it turns out, it is the American holding “Oracle”. At the start of the year 2000, the emblem of this American sponsor appeared on the Internet: it is an upside-down pentagram (note that this is one of the main Satanist symbols). The emblem was later removed, but the essence of the project is unchanged.

Thus, after they have provided every inhabitant of Moscow with a “Muscovite Card”, all currency transactions will be executed only through this electronic card; people should no longer have cash. And at first glance, this is so comfortable! No need to count banknotes in front of the counter, no need to count change, no need to weigh our pockets down with silver… No headaches!

But this is only a first glance. It’s one thing when cash and credit cards exist in parallel. It is something entirely different when there is no cash at all. It becomes impossible to buy dill at a street market, nor to give alms, nor hitching a ride with a ‘private’ when you are late to something, nor having a blast at a banquet on a holiday. And there are many moments like these; the absence of ‘live’ money is a very serious limitation on our freedom.

— On the other hand, — they reply, — electronic money is secure. You can’t steal it.

It’s nothing like that, and how it can be stolen! How much has been written about people receiving phantasmagorical checks for telephone conversations that they either hadn’t held at all, or held for incomparably lower sums of money. And proving one’s right takes years when the telephone is down, and a good result is not guaranteed. If this scheme has already been tried out, then why not apply it to the “electronic wallet”? You can write some extra zeroes in someone’s account, or, the other way around, remove a couple. And when you go to get your right, they tell you that the computer does not make mistakes, we’re dealing with electronic technology here!

And suppose that your electronic account has been blocked. Why? — Well, maybe this is random, mistakenly. How are you going to live until everything has been rectified? Are you going to ask a friend for a loan? But want as he might, he cannot give you a loan because he also has no ‘live’ money, and it would be pointless to send you electronic money.

We are not talking about a simple misplacement of your card. And when it is restored, you will inevitably become dependent on the person who concedes to temporarily supporting you. This is fine if this is one of your loving relatives. But what if you don’t have those? Or if you have them, but they don’t live in Moscow?

But even your closest relative will not be able to get you to a doctor by using their “Muscovite Card”. Or help you to get into an agency where you have to present your passport. Because the “Muscovite Card” contains your electronic money and this is but one point on your itinerary. And there’s fifteen of them. We have only just mentioned passports and medical insurance, but in transport too you will have to pay in cash. And there’s your driver’s licence, your IRS number, your pensioner’s card, your photograph, your data about your marital status and place of work, and many other data about the owner of the singular Muscovite document.

Thus, practically our entire life will be under control. Wherever you may go, whatever work you may begin, everything is now absolutely ‘transparent’. Everything will become known and will be entered into a computer; after all, the electronic card only appears to be small, but as a matter of fact the amount of information contained in the dossier is enormous.

— Well, why not! Let’s go! We have nothing to hide. We are honest people!—many of our acquaintances stupidly cry once they hear about the Moscow government’s project. — We will pay our taxes regularly, and all the rest will be our own personal business.

We must confess that their naivete brought us to such a state of dumbfoundedness that we lost the gift of speech, which is why we do not answer them immediately, but on the longer term, right here in this article.

Our affairs will only remain personal in the sense that they will be forced onto all of us. The aforementioned decree no.962 already envisions the creation of a “Moscow Emissions Centre” that will receive information whenever a “Muscovite Card” is used. What is more, the possibility and even duty of the Centre to deliver information about the users of the card to government institutions and private persons “on a contractual basis”, i.e. for the corresponding price, is envisioned in the document.

Let us say that someone wants to know about your health, how your psychology, vaginal health or urine are doing. No problem! And your familial secrets (for example, you adopted a child) can be learned by anyone who wants to practically without any work. Thus, the concept of a private life itself (what the Soviet defenders of human rights fought for for so long) will be abolished.

And we need not lull ourselves into a sense of security by saying that there as of yet isn’t a single “Muscovite Card”. Actually, it already exists, but in an incomplete and ‘scattered’ form. Students have already gotten used to and eagerly use personal transport cards with photographs, seeing as they are cheaper than normal tickets. Now, a “student card” is being introduced to schoolchildren. A very interesting article recently appeared in the Moscow City Government newspaper “Tverskaya-13”: “Fingerprints will replace money” (no. 51, 20—26 Dec. 2000). It directly says that in the future it will be necessary to transition from an electronic card to the implantation of microchips under the skin that will contain information about their owner.

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