May 31, 2020

left. The Toxic Heart of Our Body Politic 



Tom: “The lockdown destroyed everything; there was no need for a lockdown; what was the agenda?”
The lockdown should have elicited riots. But instead we have a tawdry farce against “police brutality” funded by George Soros on the basis of a flimsy psy-op. 
Politics is a function of money.
Money is humanity’s blood supply. The heart that pumps this “blood” around the world is the central bank.  Unfortunately, this “heart” is run by Satanists who intend to enslave us before the rotten structure collapses.


Updated from 11-9-19

by Henry Makow PhD


The world financial system is incredibly sophisticated and efficient. Every day, billions of transactions take place.

In our minds, “money” is changing hands. In fact, “money” is an abstraction, a mental concept. “Money is a massive game of ‘Let’s Pretend” i.e. make-believe.

Money doesn’t exist. It is simply a mental estimate of the value of something expressed in digits in some currency.


“Money” is a medium of exchange. It only has value as an act of faith. We accept it as payment because we assume everyone else will also accept it.

This medium of exchange is created out of thin air by the central bankers in the form of interest-bearing debt to themselves.  Even though our governments could create this medium of exchange, debt and interest-free, the bankers have finagled this golden goose and maintain it by selecting criminals and perverts to be our “leaders.”

To protect this prize, they must now enslave humanity. This is the essence of Communism and the NWO — the expansion of their credit monopoly to include power, thought and behavior – a satanist tyranny. Everyone will worship them and their god, Lucifer, who represents them.


When we buy or sell something, all that changes are the digits in our bank accounts. There are billions of bank accounts in the world. Consolidated, they represent a giant ledger kept by the central bank cartel and their bank franchisees. This ledger no doubt includes stocks, bonds, GIC’s, mortgages, etc. 

“Money” is a chameleon. It resides as digits on the ledger but in a flash, it can transform itself into currency, any product or service or back to its digital form. Created out of nothing by magick, it truly is a spirit that transcends its practical function and casts a spell over our minds.

I compare this mysterious force with the blood in our societal body. Every day it flows back and force, nourishing some parts of the social-body and depriving others.

The heart that pumps this “blood” around the world is the central bank.  Unfortunately, this “heart” is run by Satanists who are trying to enslave the body, mind, and spirit.

Now imagine you were this heart. You keep this Ledger and are running this scam. How would you protect it? You’d try to leverage this advantage into total control of all the bank account holders. You’d install a Communist world government with a world currency and Luciferian religion. (See What is Communism?)

Since you belong to a supremacist satanic cult, Cabalism, you would also have an ideological motive. (See Why Cabala is Satanic   and Satanism Explained.)

You would induct humanity into Cabalism (Freemasonry) without it realizing it.

 A satanic cult, Cabalism exploits and controls its members by making them sick, by undermining their gender identity, as well as their national, racial and religious identities. We are under constant psychological and physical attack. Here is a list of examples. 

“We corrupt in order to control, ” Freemason leader Giuseppe Mazzini famously said.


(George Soros, who is funding rioting, looting and arson, operates with impunity because he is a banker. Trump may finally be taking a stand against Antifa but will that include Soros?)

You would support crime, drug and sex trafficking and perversion of all kinds. You’d use “intelligence services” (CIA, MI-6, Mossad) for this purpose. You’d stage false flag events in order to foster race war, dissent, and instil confusion and fear. You’d smear truth sayers as “fascists” and “bigots.” You’d de-platform them. Since you own the arms makers, you’d increase the “debt” by fostering gratuitous endless war.

Generally speaking, all parties on the Left advance the Cabalist agenda while pretending to champion the underdog. Parties on the Right pretend to defend traditional society. The corporations, politicians, media, military, education, and church are all bought-and-paid-for. When you have a money machine, there are a lot of second-raters ready to sell their souls and country to get ahead.

We have blood poisoning. I humbly offer this as the reason for what is wrong in the world.

 Our positioned heart.

Nothing will improve until we get a heart transplant.

Mankind has come a long way materially but we are sliding backward spiritually.

We must convince the Rothschilds that they are headed down a path to hell but can turn back.

 Rothschilds! You have unlimited money but you lack love. Champion life instead of death and you will know love and happiness which no money can buy.

Become the benefactors of humanity rather than the bane.

Related – Leonard Ulrich- The Illusion of Money

———–Anna Von Reitz – All banks are Bankrupt 

 Makow –  Money is an Occult Spell

Banking System is Key to Understanding Our Servitude 

Money is the Devil 

The Financial System is a House of Cards Built on “Debt” 

Brother Nathaniel – Time to End the Jewish Fed

First Comment from Peter S

Henry, you said, ” “Money” ………..truly is a spirit”

Let me stop there because we do not want to lose the gist of the argument.  Your insight is quite profound and true. Money indeed,  is Spirit.  Conjured out of nothingness, and disappears into nothingness. It’s a Spellcasting spirit. And if it is a Spirit, the only way to know how to respond to its power to “cast a spell over our minds” must be by the power of the Spirit.  So, how do we do this?
For Christians, we can go back to the gospels and find out what God said of Money.  Jesus said; “And so, I tell you, this; use money, tainted as it is to win you friends, and thus make sure that when it fails you, they will welcome you into eternal dwellings. Anyone who is trustworthy in little things is trustworthy in great; anyone who is dishonest in little things is dishonest in great . if then you are not trustworthy with money, that is tainted thing, who will trust you with genuine riches? Luke 16: 9-11
Jesus word, is that  “Money is a tainted thing” So, if God said that money is tainted, how can we ever hope to have “Clean Money”? The money will always be tainted because in itself, it is evidence against our own weakness as human beings. It represents greed, selfishness, hatred, individualism, discrimination, pride, envy, etc. Our money system indicts our claim to “Human dignity” “Human progress” and “Spiritual maturity” If we were truly “Enlightened Human Beings” we would not need the money system! We would do what is “Right” “Good” and “True” without need for supervision, reward, or threats” So, our Money system, is like a diaper or a nappy, that we wear, because we cannot take care of ourselves any other way!  When we grow up Spiritually, we will laugh at ourselves and our primitive “money system”
What Jesus is telling us, is that we, who are the users of the tainted money, should hijack the power of money, and make it ourselves! In other words, “Be the money”! Act like money! Be what people value. And you do this, by reverse response. It’s not about changing the money system. It’s about changing ourselves!

Doug P:


One important aspect of money that everyone forgets is that money and law are the same object. No one has ever named that object because no one really wants us to understand the strong relationship between money and law. So in a few sentences, I will try to explain it. Money in and of itself is not evil. It makes organic society possible – the organs being carpenters, farmers, computer programmers, cops, etc. Without money, we cannot have society, without laws for the protection of money we cannot have society. Laws exist to protect money. Money can either have a substantiative value or a promissory value. Gold and silver are substantiative currencies. Fiat is based on a promise and has a stronger relation to the law than substantiative currency, without the backing of law, fiat money becomes worthless. Substantiative currency needs the backing of law to prevent piracy and counterfeiting.
Fiat money is as good as its promise. A national government could print fiat money as a national currency and back it with law. BUT: he governments now have two masters, the people and the private banks that print our money. Both masters have very different interests. One wants to live in peace and predictability, the other wants total complete world domination in the form of a one-world government where people do not have the right to actually have money. Today, when you deposit money into a bank account it becomes the property of the banks. You cannot get paid from your employer without permission from the banks if you have an electronic deposit system for your pay. The banks also control governments, if the government does something the bank doesn’t like it can change interest rates and have a dramatic and instantaneous effect on government. The people would hate the government and the bankers would have a government they like because they control beliefs AND thought patterns and the attention of the general public.
If our currencies were created by national governments, our politicians would not serve two masters. No man can serve two masters yet our politicians must do it all the time. They have an impossible job and what we need to do is learn where the devil really lies. Fix our money system and it becomes not only possible but easy to fix everything else. This would be national socialism. This gets the Pavlovian response because of the holocaust. The Holohoax is what mentally prevents us from seeing the truth in politic and how to get the system back from these sickos that seem to be running things. Honest money would give us honest laws because our politicians would no longer serve two masters. Our current politicians are nothing more than salesmen for banker created policy.
Ron Paul is a horse and buggy thinker with gold-backed currency and no government protections, most of us would be working like the Chinese children now and the miners from one hundred years ago did in North America. The capitalists are as bad as the communists (they are the same people!). Socialism will be necessary for a technological society where all can benefit from the achievements of mankind. Without all the wars and foreign occupations, we could work less and not have to fund all these wars, foreign occupation and have illegal drugs and slaves coming from these lily pads we call foreign bases.

Peter C wrote-


Let me explain what taxes are for and why they exist. We all know that the powers-that-be own the money system and that they can print up all the money that they desire for themselves at any time for any reason. Of course many people will tell you that this can’t be done because simply printing up money leads to Zimbabwe-style hyperinflation; but in reality this is done all the time and wealthy nations and especially those whose currency is the world reserve currency can get away with such policies for a long time and are very adept at hiding their money creation in various financial ruses such as artificially-inflated stock markets, housing bubbles, and the derivative fiasco. This hiding of all this newly created money in the financial system is very effective in forestalling the onset of hyperinflation.
The reason worthless fiat currencies were created in the first place is for the very reason that an endless supply of this ‘money’ can be conjured up out of thin air, based on nothing and backed by nothing. Those creating it need not actually produce any goods nor offer up anything of value with which to back up the value of the currency.
Unlike with the case of commodities such as gold or food or finished products, trillions of dollars can be created with zero effort on their part. Zero effort in its creation and zero effort in transportation and storage. Most of the money in existence isn’t even in physical form, it’s merely entries in a ledger or in recent times just digits on a computer screen.
Now being able to print up all the money they want is one thing but if no one actually needs any of this money to be able to survive then the powers-that-be wouldn’t be able to make people accept their worthless pieces of paper in trade for goods and services (who would willingly trade the hard-earned fruits-of-their-labor for a worthless piece of paper unless they had some reason to need to). In other words, if no one had the need for ‘money’ with which to pay their taxes, the powers-that-be wouldn’t be able to use their ‘money’ to acquire things, wage wars, buy fuel, pay soldiers, buy gold, bribe officials, manipulate financial markets, etc.
Now at this point, some people will say that money serves as a sort of bartering chip to facilitate trade, and of course, this is correct, but you mustn’t lose sight of the fact that people could use anything that they agree upon as the bartering chip. The powers-that-be use taxes as a means to force their own ‘money’ to be accepted as the only form of bartering chips that anyone actually needs to trade with.
So, you see, taxes are there so as to create a permanent demand for this fictional currency by requiring that people (and businesses) acquire this ‘money’ so as to be able to pay their taxes. The powers-that-be don’t need your tax money to survive; what they need is for you to be compelled to trade your lifetime of work for their essentially worthless currency. They need to give society a reason to need their money. Their existence depends on it.